Your gifts and donations of any amount help to support our mission and allow us to offer services on a sliding scale. Your gift or donation can support Trinity Counseling Ministries in a variety of ways:
* Support of mission (general fund)
* Supplies and resources
* Sponsorship of a client
You can become a monthly partner with us for any amount! Your monthly partnership will be used for:
*Sponsorship of a client
* Support of mission (general fund)
Your monthly partnership assists us in continuing to help others, by providing them with counseling opportunities that they may not be able to have and/or afford otherwise.
Trinity Counseling Ministries is registered with the state of Idaho as an Incorporated Non-Profit and is also recognized by the IRS as a 501(C)(3) organization. We will provide a year-end donation receipt of your gracious giving for your tax purposes. If you would like to donate or be a partner with us you can do so in a couple of different ways:
We thank you for the seed you have sown into Trinity Counseling Ministries! It has an enteral impact on so many!
Square donation link:
Click below for scheduling and contact information